Thursday, February 4, 2010

Outside activities. Life outside WoW.

Procrastinating on writing on priests for the moment, cause I saw a topic which interested me more.

What do you do outside of WoW? (I know this is a filler with it)

1.) Work - I would in insurance..not too bad. Stable industry, but dry.

2.) School - working on my 3rd bachelors degree. Comp Sci with a focus on gaming. (1st 2 were in economics and history)

3.) Reading - when i get a chance I love to read. I can devour a book in 2-3 hours. Wies and Hickman, Eddings, some of Jordans stuff. Fantasy only, Sci - Fi is meh to me.

4.) PC and Console gaming - I own a PS3, Xbox 360, SNES, NES, Saturn, Dreamcast, PS, PS2, PSP, DS, and 2 computers. Though most of my gaming time has been with WoW.

5.) Martial Arts - 1st degree in Tae Kwon Do. Hopefully will get 2nd degree soon.

6.) Reading verious blogs about WoW....and Food....

7.) And I admit I do like to drink. but have to watch it nowadays...takes too long to recover, like the cat above.


  1. Good classic Book collection. heh. How did you get into Martial Arts? Like did you look up some dude in the Yellow pages or what? I need to do something that involves more exercise.

  2. Looking up a school on the internet is very good. also check to see if the school has an instructor actually accredited with the whatever martial art is is part. Tae Kwon Do has a organization which it is a part of. I also got lucky my father is friends with the one of the higherups in the US Tae Kwan Do association, so he gave me a lot of good recommentations. If you are looking to Taw Kwon Do...not trying to be biased or anything, but your best bet may to see if the it is actually a Korean master running the school.
